Archive for June, 2010

GFB 2010 Mission Slideshow.

Check out some photos of our awesome journey to Brazil.  What a ride with an awesome team of God Chasers!

Gospel for Brazil 2010 Mission.

A little taste of our awesome, supersonic ride into the heavenlies.

We arrived back home today from our two and a half week mission trip to Brazil.  Even though our bodies are loving being home, our minds, hearts, souls and spirits are needing more of Brazil, more of her people and more of that intense chasing of God that we’ve experienced over the past days.  So much to process and relive that it’s a little overwhelming but vital to fully understanding what was experienced and what God wants us to do with them now that we’re back to “reality”.  So join us over the next few weeks as we share experiences, insights and pictures of our incredible, supernatural ride into the heavenlies to bring the real Kingdom of God to the people of Brazil.