Archive for October 12, 2007

“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”   Matthew 28: 18-20


Let’s explore the hindrance of unbelief.

 ” But I have come to see that many evangelical Christians do not really believe the Word of God, especially when it talks about hell and judgement.  Instead, they selectively accept only the portions that allow them to continue living in their current lifestyles.

It is painful to think about hell and judgement.  I understand why preachers don’t like to talk about it, because I don’t either.  It is so much easier to preach that “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life” or to focus on the many delightful aspects of “possibility thinking” and the “word of faith” that brings health, wealth and happiness…no one more beautifully demonstrated them (grace and love) than our Lord Jesus.  Yet in His earthly ministry, He made more references to hell and judgement than He did heaven.  Jesus lived with the reality of hell, and He died on Calvary because He knew it was real and coming to everyone who doesn’t turn to God in this life.

If we knew the horrors of the potential judgment that hangs over us – if we really believed in what is coming – how different would we live.  Why aren’t Christians living in obedience to God?  Because of their unbelief.”    K.P. Yohannan, Revolution in World Missions

Do you believe in Satan?  Do you believe in Hell?  Do you believe that MILLIONS are dying everyday and going to Hell to live in eternal damnation with Satan? 

I realize that it’s difficult sometimes to think about someone thousands a miles away in another country that we’ve never been to, and feel compassion for their souls.  We don’t personally know them, and they’ve never directly influenced our lives in any way.  We’ve become increasingly void of meaningful people in our lives.  Most people’s lives consist only of their immediate family, friends (usually few) and co-worker’s.  Everyone else is just “around” us.  This eventually begins to close our eyes to the people around us that are lost and hurting.  

I’ll play along and give you that “excuse”.  I’m guilty too.

So let’s look at this from within your sphere of meaningful people.  Think of someone very close to you that’s not saved, that doesn’t know and live for Jesus.  Now, let’s pretend that you just got a phone call giving you the devastating news that they had died in a horrible crash.  What would your immediate thought be?  Would it be, my wife/child/mom/dad/brother/best friend just died and is now in hell with Satan, forever damned to live in a bottomless pit where they are separated from God for all eternity?

Think about this because how you answer will tell yourself where you are in your faith.  It will tell you how you view the truth of satan and hell. It will reveal to you whether you have started to believe the lies that satan is spreading about eternity; there is no heaven and hell, it’s just now and this life so live it up, God wouldn’t really damn you to such an evil and treacherous place because He loves you and He is kind, and besides, hell isn’t that bad, and so on and so forth.  I’m sure you’ve heard the lies about satan and hell spoken by many.

Listen, hell is real and you better believe that Satan is real.  This is not a dress rehearsal and this life isn’t “all there is.”  We get ONE CHANCE at eternal salvation.  That’s it.  ONE

We have to examine our beliefs about Satan or else we cannot fulfill The Great Commission.  The Great Commission is based on the realness of Hell.  Jesus KNOWS the judgment that waits if we don’t receive Him, and He wants desperately for us to reach everyone lost so they will not suffer this fate. 

We have to be His soldiers in fulfilling The Great Commission.